南昌列举网 > 教育培训 > 其他教育培训 > 南昌亲亲袋鼠早教瑞德少儿英语适合2.5岁到6岁宝宝


更新时间:2014-01-10 15:42:42 浏览次数:243次
区域: 南昌 > 西湖 > 孺子路
瑞德英语(Reader Rabbit)是一个来自美国的全英文儿童学习品牌。是早教品牌KindyROO旗下的一个英语品牌,也是公认的适合英语入门学习的英语教学品牌。在全球20多个国家45000所学校得到推广应用。其针对3到7岁孩子的英语课程是我们的中国的教育专家团队综合借鉴世界教育资源结合中国本地特色,开发出的适合中国孩子发展的综合的、系统的教学内容。并已得到了教育部专家课题组的充分认可。

课堂上专业教师配合Reader Rabbit软件进行纯英文授课。利用八大教学法给孩子创造一个习得式的英语学习环境。互动的课堂形式以及为学生们量身定做的科学有效的教学方案。根据孩子语言发展关键期特点和孩子语言基础,分为Pre-k,K1,K2,K3四个阶段。课堂上内容以霍华德.加德纳博士提出的多元智能理论为基础,配以针对性的系统教材和量身打造的学习游戏,在学习英语的同时注重开发宝宝多元智能。

Reader Rabbit

Travel to colorful and exciting Reader Rabbit Lands full of fun puzzles animated stories and clickable surprises. Children will learn that reading thinking and writing are the keys to a world of imagination and adventure. Travel and learn with friends! We set up the program by pre-K/K1/K2/K3 three levels. We particularly design the appropriate software and activities for children in different age groups on practicing of sound awareness, limbs movement, skills of music and logic on mathematic etc., so that improving the ability of learning and the non-intelligent factors. We update themes of the lesson each semester and adjust/develop our teaching plan each year. The series CDs are also available for learning and reviewing at home.
2024-11-18 刷新
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