

更新时间:2019-04-24 17:40:44 浏览次数:98次
区域: 南昌 > 青山湖 > 塘山







铜镜直径:19.7cm 重:667g,圆形。弦钮,圆钮座。钮座周围饰四桃形叶纹,主纹饰为四山纹。Copper mirror diameter: 19.7 cm Weight: 667g, round. String button, knob. The button is surrounded by four peach shaped Yewen, and the main decoration is four mountain lines.

山字纹是指镜背的主题纹饰形状呈山字形,一般研究者称它为山字纹镜。日本学家驹井和爱在《中国古镜研究》中也提出:山字在金文中作“山”或“山”形,秦汉以后与今天的山字几乎没有变化。The mountain pattern refers to the shape of the theme of the back of the mirror. The general researcher calls it a mountain pattern mirror. The Japanese scientist Jujingheai also proposed in the "Chinese Ancient Mirror Study" that the word Jinwenzhong was "mountain" or "mountain" shaped in the Han Dynasty. After the Qin and Han dynasties, there was almost no change in the word of the mountain today.

山在中国古代往往与不动、安静、养物等观念结合在一起。因此在铜镜上使用大的山图形表示山字,如同福、寿、喜字一样,含有强烈的吉祥意味。In ancient China, mountains were often combined with the concepts of immobility, quiet, and food. Therefore, the use of large mountain figures on the bronze mirror represents the word, like the blessing, longevity, and happy characters, which contains strong auspicious meanings.

此面铜镜铸造极为精致,纹饰繁缛富丽,细致生动,品相完美,经国内多位铜器老师鉴赏为战汉时期,具有较高收藏欣赏价值。This copper mirror casting is extremely exquisite, the decoration is rich, detailed and vivid, and the quality is perfect. It was appreciated by many bronze teachers in China during the Han Dynasty and has a high collection value.

西汉前期是战国镜与汉镜的交替时期。直到 西汉中期汉武帝前后,一些新的镜类流行起来了。这些新的镜类对后世铜镜的发展,起着承上启下的作用。The early Western Han Dynasty was an alternate period between the Warring States Mirror and the Han Mirror. Before and after Han Wudi in the middle of the Western Han Dynasty, some new mirrors became popular. These new mirrors play a role in the development of later copper mirrors.

战汉是我国铜镜发展的重要时期。中国铜镜 ,以战汉镜出土的数量多,使用普遍,在制作形式和艺术表现手法上也有了很大发展。The war Han Dynasty is an important period for the development of bronze mirrors in China. The number of Chinese bronze mirrors unearthed with War-Han mirrors is the largest, and they are commonly used. They have also developed greatly in production forms and artistic expressions.

在中国铜镜史上,有三座高峰,即战国、两汉、唐代。其留存至今的铜镜数量较多,制作工艺精湛,纹饰题材异彩纷呈,代表了中国古代铜镜制作的高水平。总体来看,中国古代铜镜的发展,有一个从强调装饰到注重实用、由神话到世俗的规律可寻。In the history of Chinese bronze mirrors, there are three peaks, namely the Warring States, the Han Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty. The number of copper mirrors that have been retained so far is relatively large, and the production process is superb. The decorative themes are colorful, representing the highest level of bronze mirror production in ancient China. In general, the development of ancient Chinese bronze mirrors has a law that can be found from emphasizing decoration to practicality, from mythology to secularism.

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